It’s Just Hair

It really isn’t. Call it self care. Call it vanity. But it is so much more.

Meet Jen. Jen has been my stylist for 14 years. She knows EVERYTHING. She’s been there through it with me in 14 years. Every 8 weeks we have a sesh. I jokingly call it my “Hair & Head therapy” because we spend two hours talking, laughing, crying, complaining, explaining every 8 weeks. Every appointment always ends in a hug (wait except for those awkward visits during the pandemic…I’d still go in for the hug and then remember mid reach and be all awkward like I am) and promise to get together between sessions which we both know never happens.

Like every 8 weeks before my hair apt is scheduled for Thursday, the 23rd @ 4:00. I walk in and wait on the comfy bench. Jen comes to get me and we start this sesh with a hug. I am teary eyed before we even get to her booth. I tell her that I will lose my hair and barely get out the question, “When it is time will you shave my head bald. I don’t want to wait to lose it. I want to shave it.” Of course she agrees. We decide to cut some length off for now and do highlights as always to keep me blonde.

We spend the next 3 hours together in the chair. She wants to know it all. Tell me what/how did this happen? Bless, Jen and her listening ears because I unloaded. Told it all. My heart just needed to get it all out.

By the end of the session I feel my tears coming. It is so silly but the thought of not coming into the salon every 8 weeks for however long until my hair grows back is too much. She turns me around to see my reflection and I am just thankful my mask is catching the tears that I cannot seem to hold back. We talk about dates for shaving my head and how I want to do it at home with my friends surrounding me. She’s in agreement. I told it would be safe and okay to cry because we both know it will happy. We go to the front as usual but I jokingly reminded her I wouldn’t need an 8 week appointment but won’t know what to do without our talks. She promises to make sure she comes by every 8 weeks to check on me. She’s a treasure and gifts me the hair apt. We hug. It’s just hair.


Chemo Class 101